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Effects of type of lesion and trimming on short-term behavior of grazing dairy cows R. Bras. Zootec.
Cruz,Eduardo Augusto da; Fischer,Vivian; Passos,Lorena Teixeira; Porciuncula,Gabriela Caillava da; Stumpf,Marcelo Tempel; Werncke,Daíse; Santos,Carolina da Silva dos.
ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate how type of hoof injury and corrective trimming alter the behavior of dairy cows. Thirty-four lactating Holstein and Jersey cows were used. They were scored for lameness score on days –2 and 6, before and after trimming and treatment, respectively, using a numerical rating system, in which 1 = perfect gait and 5 = severely lame, and had their postural and ingestive behavior evaluated on days –1 and 6 before and after trimming and treatment, respectively. Locomotion score was analyzed using t-paired test and behavioral data were analyzed by univariate variance analysis with cows as the experimental units, according to a completely randomized design with repeated measurements. Cows with infectious hoof diseases spent...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal welfare; Behavior; Bos taurus.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Variation in available shaded area changes behaviour parameters in grazing dairy cows during the warm season R. Bras. Zootec.
Stivanin,Sheila Cristina Bosco; Werncke,Daíse; Vizzotto,Elissa Forgiarini; Stumpf,Marcelo Tempel; Thaler Neto,André; Fischer,Vivian.
ABSTRACT The objective was to investigate the effects of available shaded area on behavioural characteristics of lactating cows during the warm season in the subtropics. Twelve Holstein cows were divided into groups, with 2 (SH2) or 10 m2 (SH10) of available shade per cow (six cows per treatment). The behaviour was recorded when animals were grazing from 09.00 to 16.00 h (GMT −02.00 h) throughout the trial. Data considered in the statistical analysis were restricted to the five days when the maximum temperature was ≥ 25 °C. Cows in the SH10 group had lower panting score, but higher proportions of time in shade and lying down and stayed more time per visit in the shaded area than cows in the SH2 group. Cows in the SH10 group had less events of competition...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal welfare; Behaviour; Dairy cows; Heat stress; Lactation; Shade.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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